Iowa City Intergroup By-laws

Article I

The District 13 AA Intergroup, known as Iowa AA District 13 Intergroup, hereafter referred to as the Intergroup, is a body of principles and relationships through which District 13 Area AA can function collaboratively. It is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is a service body only and never a government of Alcoholics Anonymous.

The Intergroup is not incorporated and this instrument is not a legal instrument; it is guided by the Traditions, Principles, and Practices of Alcoholics Anonymous which it serves; more especially by the First Tradition: Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends on AA unity.

A body of delegates, all elected from the member groups, guide Intergroup. Like any AA group, decisions are made through Group Conscious with the help of a Higher Power. Rigorous democratic adherence to the wisdom of the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions is practiced, protecting the survival of the group and the success of its mission.

Article II
Members and Qualifications

Section 1—An AA group may become a member of Iowa AA District 13 Intergroup by signifying its desire to join and participate by registering with Intergroup, giving name of group, meeting place, time, and delegate and alternate delegate names, addresses and telephone numbers.

Section 2—The Group must be located in the District 13 area.

Section 3—Traditionally, each member Group supports the Intergroup either by monthly pledges or by special contributions, which financial support is made income for operations of the Intergroup. However, financial support is not necessary in order that a group remain or become a member.

Section 4—It is suggested that each Group also be registered at the General Service Office in New York.

Article III
Body of Delegates

Section 1—A body of delegates will be comprised of one delegate and one alternate from each registered group; plus, the elected officers of the Intergroup (see Article VII, Section 1 below) exception: the number of delegates may be approved by the Board of Delegates. It is suggested that each delegate and alternate should have one year of continuous sobriety at the time of election by their group. It is also suggested that said person not be serving as G.S.R. representative at the same time. Each delegate will be entitled to one vote. Term of service should be for one year for both the delegate and the alternate. However, both delegate and alternate may serve as many times as the group represented may choose.

Section 2—The group delegate shall faithfully reflect the Group Conscious and shall act as a liaison between his/her group and the Intergroup in the following manner:

  1. S/he shall be an active member of the group s/he represents.
  2. S/he should attend all Intergroup business meetings.
  3. S/he communicates to her/his group the activities, growth, and current problems of the Intergroup.
  4. Normally, s/he is expected to vote and act for her/his group at each Intergroup business meeting without consulting the group on every issue. However, when it is necessary for her/him to know the feelings of her/his group on a particular problem, s/he shall consult her/his Group Secretary to call a business meeting of the Group to discuss the issue which is pending.

Section 3—Everything covered in this article relates equally to the alternate who performs for the delegate in the delegate’s absence. Functions of the Body of Delegates are as follows:

  1. To oversee the operations of the Intergroup and be responsible for them.
  2. To nominate and elect officers of the Body of Delegates annually.
  3. To meet monthly.
  4. To approve methods of financial-support of the Intergroup.
  5. To report al actions of Body of Delegates and its sub-committees to the Groups they represent.
  6. To build and maintain interest of their groups in the Intergroup and its functions both financially and as to service and participation.
  7. To serve and act upon any amendment to this Instrument.

Article IV
Body of Delegates Meeting

Section 1—Regular meeting of the Body of Delegates shall be present on the first Saturday of each month.

Section 2—The regular meeting of the Body of Delegates in November shall be an Annual Anniversary and installation of new officers meeting, considering annual reports.

 Section 3—Bi-annually, the regular meeting of the Body of Delegates in October shall be a meeting for the nomination and election of new officers.

Section 4—A special meeting may be called by the Chairperson upon seven days written notice.

Section 5—Voting in the Body of Delegates shall be restricted to one vote of each member delegate. The Chairperson of the Body of Delegates will sit in on and have a voice in such meetings, but shall not vote.

Section 6—At any meeting of the Body of Delegates, the presence of at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the membership shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. In the event a quorum is not present, a special meeting is to be held and at such meetings the presence of at least forty percent (40%) of the membership shall be necessary to constitute a quorum.

Article V

The Intergroup procedure guide may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of a quorum of the Body of Delegates present at any regular meeting of the Body of Delegates.

Delegates, providing a copy of the proposed amendment was emailed out to each voting member at least twenty (20) days before the meeting in which the action is to be taken on the amendment.

Article VI

Section 1—Officers are elected for a one-year term. They can be re-elected for only one additional term in the office they then hold. Of the position is not filled at election, previous candidate can hold position until a new candidate is elected.

Section 2—Officers are elected by the Body of Delegates and may or may not be a group delegate. It is suggested if a delegate is elected an officer, then the Group appoint another delegate and/or alternate.

Section 3—The candidates for officers are suggested to have two (2) years sobriety as of the date of election and should be members of a member group, and should be active and interested in service work.

Section 4—Election shall follow AA’s Third Legacy Procedure, which is outlined in the AA Service Manual.

Section 5—In the event of a vacancy of an office, the delegates may, if they so vote, hold a special election at a regular meeting of the Body of Delegates and such special election may be held at the same meeting or at a later meeting and shall be conducted in a manner determined by the Chairperson and approved by the delegates. An officer elected at an Intergroup meeting to fill an Article VII office.

Article VII

Section 1—The Body of Delegate shall elect five officers who will service 1-year terms: Chairperson, Co-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Phone Coordinator.

Section 2—Functions of the officers are as follows:

  1. To oversee the operations of the Intergroup and be responsible for its functions.
  2. To appoint Chairperson of Service Committees.
  3. To coordinate group interest in Intergroup and Service operations.
  4. To supervise and approve all financial transactions of Intergroup.

Section 3—Duties of Officers


  1. To preside over the meetings of the Body of Delegates.
  2. Call special meetings of the Body of Delegates on seven (7) days written notice to delegates and alternates.


  1. To assume the duties of the Chairperson whenever the Chairperson is unable to serve for any reason.
  2. To assist Intergroup Chairperson or Secretary in responsibilities of volunteer service work and phone answering service. Help coordinate events.


  1. To record minutes of both the regular and special meetings of the Body of Delegates.
  2. To prepare copies of all minutes of the Body of Delegates, meetings and email minutes to each group delegate.
  3. To prepare and give notice of all meetings of Body of Delegates to all group Delegates and member groups with help of Chairperson or Co-Chair.
  4. To keep a current list of names and contact information for each Intergroup Representative and Officer.


  1. To account for all financial affairs to the Intergroup and Body of Delegates, with the exception of unusual expenses over seventy-five ($75.00) dollars, which must be approved by the Body of Delegates.
  2. To review all expenditures, sign checks with co-signature of Chairperson, designated Board Member or Body of Delegates Secretary. Two signatures are required on all checks and may be signatures of any two of the persons mentioned above.
  3. To prepare monthly financial report. This report to show all receipts and expenditures of the past month and year to date. It should also include a separate report by groups showing their contributions for month and year to date. Review individual contributions from office records.
  4. To prepare and render annual financial reports for annual November meeting of the Body of Delegates.

Phone Coordinator:

  1. Intergroup Phone Chair Description/Duties
  2. Recruit AA members willing to volunteer to answer the Intergroup Phone
  3. Distribute volunteer suggestions packet to members
  4. Maintain list of volunteers, including contact info and hours available
  5. Serve as liaison with Answer Plus, making sure list is updated
  6. Recruit members willing to go on 12th step calls and distribute this information to volunteers

Intergroup-District Liaison/Communications

  1. To attend monthly Intergroup and District meetings and communicate information  discussed between the 2 groups.
  2. To periodically initiate the Intergroup questionnaire (What do you want from your Intergroup) at one of the annual Intergroup events, tally responses and report back to Intergroup.


Need description from Webmaster!

Section 4—If any officer fails to appear at two (2) consecutive monthly meetings without being excused s/he may be replaced. (Note: act on this)

Article VIII

No part of the contributions or receipts of the Intergroup shall insure to the benefit of/or be distributed to its member groups, individual AA or Al-anon members or other private persons.

No part of the activities of Intergroup shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, participate in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office as provided by the established traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Articles, the Intergroup shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal Income Tax.

Article IX

Past officers who have finished their term in office will be asked to serve a one-year term as a trustee. Trustees are to have the same voice as the delegates except they will not be representing an AA group. Each trustee is entitled to one (1) vote.

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