2024 Proposed Revisions to Iowa City Area Intergroup By-Laws  

These bylaws describe the purpose of Intergroup, its structure and activities.

They also describe the duties of the officers, the voting procedures, and the method to amend the bylaws.

Finally, the requirements for Intergroup Representatives, Officers and Chair are described.

Article One:  Name

The name of this organization is the Iowa City Area Intergroup

Article Two: Objectives

The objectives of the IC Area Intergroup are to serve Iowa City and the surrounding areas by providing a means for suffering alcoholics to contact AA; to acquaint the public with both the services of AA and  ways to contact the fellowship; to provide activities from time to time for the members, relatives and friends of AA; and to promote unity and cooperation among AA groups in the area. It is a service body only and never a government of AA.  The Intergroup is not incorporated, and this document is not a legal instrument; it is guided by the 12 Steps, 12 Traditions, 12 Concepts of Service of AA, and in its deliberations, considers the guidelines published by the GSO in New York City. Like any AA group, decisions are made through Group Conscience with the help of a Higher Power. Rigorous democratic adherence to the wisdom of the 12 steps and 12 traditions is practiced, protecting the survival of the group and the success of its mission.

Article 3: Members and Qualifications

IC intergroup will be directed by a committee consisting of assembled Group Representatives, one from each group that wishes to participate, and elected Officers. Any AA member is welcome to attend Intergroup Meetings and participate in discussion, but only Intergroup Representatives (or in their absence, their alternates) and Officers may make motions or vote.

Section 1—An AA group may become a member of IC Area Intergroup by signifying its desire to join and participate by registering with Intergroup; giving the name of the group, meeting place, time, Intergroup Representative and Alternate Intergroup Representative names and contact information.

Section 2—The AA group must be located in the Iowa City Area

Section 3—Traditionally, IC Intergroup is supported by contributions per the 7th Tradition, through which financial support is made for the operations of the Intergroup. However, financial support is not necessary in order for  a group to remain, or become a member.

Section 4—It is suggested that each AA group also be registered with GSO in New York.

Article 4: Intergroup Representatives

Section 1—The length of time in office, length of sobriety of the Intergroup Representatives is properly decided by the group’s conscience, but it is suggested that a minimum of 1 yr. continuous sobriety and a term of at least 1 year would be desirable. A group may designate an alternate to act in the absence of the Intergroup Representative. It is also suggested that said person not be serving as G.S.R. at the time of election by their group. Each registered Intergroup Representative will be entitled to one vote.

Section 2—The Intergroup Representatives shall faithfully reflect the Group Conscious and shall act as a liaison between their group and the IC Intergroup in the following manner:

  1. They shall be an active member of the group they represent
  2. They shall attend all Intergroup meetings
  3. They shall communicate to their group the activities, growth, and current problems of the Intergroup
  4. Normally, they are expected to vote and act for their group at each Intergroup business meeting without consulting the group on every issue. However, when it is necessary for them to know the feelings of their group on a particular problem, it is suggested they discuss the issue with their group.

Article 5 Intergroup Meeting

Intergroup meetings shall be held on the 1st Saturday of the month, unless special circumstances require a different Saturday

A special meeting may be called by the Intergroup Chair upon seven days’ notice

The election of officers/positions will be held at the November meeting

New Officers shall be nominated, then elected by the intergroup meeting

Article 6 Order of Business

  1. Serenity prayer
  2. Attendance/introductions
  3. Approval of minutes of the preceding month with correction and amendment if necessary
  4. Treasurer’s Report followed by motion to approve
  5. Committee Reports—Chair, Co-Chair,  Webmaster, Phone Chair, Communications, Intergroup-District Liaison
  6. ***after each report ask if there are questions or comments about the reports. If there are corrections or additions, ask if there is discussion
  7. Group reports
  8. Old business
  1. New business
  2. Announcements
  3. ***Announce the date and time of the next meeting. Zoom ID 810-0506-4290/ PW: Wilson
  4. Close with the Serenity prayer  

Article 7 Conduct of a meeting

Section 1–Group Representatives, Officers and Trustees shall be restricted to one vote of each. The Chairperson of Intergroup will sit in on and have a voice in such meetings, but shall not vote.

Section 2—At any meeting of Intergroup, the presence of at least 51% of the membership shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. In the event a quorum is not present, a special meeting is to be held and at such meetings the presence of at least 40% of the membership shall be necessary to constitute a quorum.

Article 8

The Intergroup Bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of a quorum of the Intergroup present at any regular meeting of Intergroup.

 A copy of the proposed amendment shall be distributed to all members at least 20 days before the meeting in which the action is to be taken on the amendment.

Article 9 Officers of Intergroup

Section 1—Most Officers are elected for a 1 year term (See Article 10, Section1). They can be re-elected for only one additional term in the office they then hold. If the position is not filled at election, the previous candidate can hold the position until a new candidate is elected.

Section 2—Officers are elected by Intergroup members. It is suggested that if an Intergroup Representative is elected an Officer, then that Group should elect another Intergroup Representative. One individual cannot vote as both an Officer and an Intergroup Representative.

Section 3—The candidates for Officers are suggested to have 2 years of sobriety as of the date of the election and should be active and interested in service work

  1. If the candidate does not meet the suggested 2 years of sobriety but meets all other suggested requirements, the members may vote to waive the suggested 2 years

Section 4—Election shall follow AA’s Third legacy procedure, which is outlined in the AA Service Manual

Section 5—In the event of a vacancy of an Officer, the Intergroup may, if they so vote, hold a special election at a regular meeting of Intergroup and such special election may be held at the same meeting or at a later meeting and shall be conducted in a manner determined by the Chairperson and approved by Intergroup

Article 10

Section 1—Intergroup shall elect a Chairperson, Co-Chair and Treasurer to 2 year terms.  Other positions- Secretary, Phone Coordinator, Intergroup District Liaison, Communications and Webmaster will be elected to 1 year terms.

Section 2—Functions of the Officers are as follows:

  1. To oversee the operations of Intergroup and be responsible for its functions.
  2. To appoint Chairperson of any Service Committees needed
  3. To coordinate group interest in Intergroup and Service operations
  4. To supervise and approve all financial transactions of Intergroup.

Section 3—Duties of Officers


  1. To preside over the meetings of Intergroup
  2. Call special meetings of Intergroup on 7 days’ notice to group representatives. Serves for two calendar years. Co-Chair rotates into Chair position.


  1. To assume the duties of the Chairperson whenever the Chairperson is unable to serve for any reason
  2. To assist Intergroup Chairperson or Secretary in responsibilities of volunteer service work and assist other elected Officers as needed. Help coordinate events.
  3. Help coordinate events
  4. Two years in position, rotates to Chairperson when term is up.


  1. To record minutes of both the regular and special meetings of Intergroup
  2. To prepare copies of all minutes of Intergroup meetings and email minutes to each member of Intergroup
  3. To prepare and give notice of all Intergroup meetings to all elected Officers and Group Representatives
  4. Send notice of monthly meeting to all members the week prior to monthly meeting
  5. To keep a current list of names and contact information for each registered Group Representative and elected Officers


  1. To account for all financial affairs to the Intergroup, which must be approved by Intergroup members
  2. To ensure that all Intergroup expenses are approved and paid in a timely manner
  3. Maintains records of all assets, income and disbursements of Intergroup
  4. Provides monthly financial reports for Intergroup to approve
  5. Chair to be added to the account to sign checks (in case of emergency)

Phone Coordinator

  1. Recruit AA members willing to volunteer to answer Intergroup phone calls
  2. Distribute volunteer suggestions packet to members
  3. Maintain a list of volunteers, including contact info and hours available
  4. Serve as liaison with AnserIowa , making sure list is updated
  5. Recruit members willing to go on 12th step calls and distribute this information to volunteers

Intergroup-District Liaison

  1. To attend monthly Intergroup and District meetings and communicate information discussed between the 2 groups


  1. To periodically initiate the Intergroup Questionnaire (What do you want from Intergroup?), tally responses and report back to Intergroup
  2. Needs to be proficient in using google forms or other survey software
  3. Monitor Intergroup email account


  1. Responsible for the daily maintenance of the website including updating information and implementing changes in the presentation of information posted on the website
  2. All events posted on the website must be by AA, for AA and about AA. Any request for information posting that is determined to be questionable by the acting Webmaster will be submitted to Intergroup prior to posting


 Officers who have finished their term in office will be expected to serve a one-year term as a Trustee. Trustees are to have the same voice as the Intergroup Representatives, except they are not representing an AA group. Each Trustee is entitled to 1 vote.

Section 4—if any Officer fails to appear at 2 consecutive monthly meetings without being excused they may be replaced. Regular attendance is necessary for the successful operation of Intergroup

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